It is what it is

Friday, May 23, 2008


I had an enraging el ride this morning on the way to work. First we got stuck at Damen and the foreign conductor comes on the loudspeaker crackling, 'Ok you waita minute we move train stuck at Western.' A moment my ass. We were on that bastard for a half hour before it moved it all, and the ride all told took two hours. That's about an hour and a half or so longer than usual.

I didn't have it so bad - I had a seat next to a non-huge, non-smelly, non-talkative, non-loud headphone wearing lady. Some had to stand. So I got to work an hour and a half late but they knew I'd be in late because I'd texted my cuz that I work with, but the bitch of the day really was the way back. A little shaken by the el ride I opted to take a lift from Sarah on the way home. What a mistake. 190 is like a parking lot and 90/94 not much better. I watched at least five el trains pass us as I grew angrier and angrier. The ride home took better than an hour and twenty minutes. That's normal for a twelve mile daily run? Give me a break.

I don't know how anyone stands that driving shit. I no longer even have a driver's license and you know what? I could go the rest of my life without being in a car and be happy about it.

I'm just cranky today because I'm trying to kick cigarettes again. I had a great 5 month quitting streak that ended a couple months ago as I picked up this stupid habit again, and I got to rid myself of it again. I also find that life passes interminably slow when I can't smoke, and I'd like the summer to go on forever this year.

Happy Memorial Day.

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