It is what it is

Monday, May 01, 2006

The Army of Darkness Barcrawl part I

I've got a ton of pictures from the Barcrawl, so I'm gonna leak them out in installments. It was a great time, thanks to all who put it together. Let's make it monthly - it's like a cleansing brain wipe.

I started the day on the toilet at Jimmy John's, looking rough from Tommy's first night in town.

Joe and Tommy and I at Whitehorse.

Boomy and Erich begin the night.

Joe begins.

One of the McCahill's brought a flute, which quickly became a beer bong.

The flute hath made Jen jolly.

Steph doing the flute.

Yif, Tommy and Boomy.

Tommy got pantsless pretty early. He works at Harvard.

Joe Doran looking happy as usual.

Joe McCahill standing strong.

More pictures to come soon.


Bishai said...

what a great time - caaah lidge. I think the greatest moment all weekend was after breakfast on Sunday when tommy had to walk by that fancy pants eatery next to marry anne's.

Tommie Shefsky said...

nice DC in picture 1

Anonymous said...

the only thing i really regret is my inability to remember anything that happened those two days.

next time i get to hang out with yalls i will not drink so much. it's my new-new year resolution.

Archival Ennui